Dear SFA parishioners,
Grace and God’s peace be with you. I have been earnestly praying for all of you.
Our parish is such a blessing for all of us! So many people are committed to the mission of the Gospel in so many ways: adult education, bible studies, retreats, funeral dinners, liturgical ministries, PSR, RCIA, SFA School, Bishop Carroll, CYM, lawn mowers, ladies guild, and so many more! These are all a part of the mission of our parish, all of which is a result of our shared stewardship.
Each one of us is a direct beneficiary of the Stewardship Way of Life. It is important, every year, to consider deeply our own participation in the mission of this parish carried out through the Stewardship Way of Life.
The past year has been disruptive of our society, our jobs, our homes, our families, and our parish life. As such, our habits of stewardship have also been disrupted. We must strive desperately to strengthen, or regain, these habits, such as attending Sunday Mass, giving time in service and prayer, and faithfully tithing!
The blessing of a highly active Catholic parish, through the Stewardship Way of Life, rises and falls with your faithful participation in sharing your time, talent and treasure. Consider how many benefits you receive through your parish: the Eucharist, Adoration, faithful preaching, shared teaching, hospital and home visits, generous support in time of trouble, sound buildings, and beautiful grounds.
In this note I am encouraging you – and even, I dare say, challenging you – to think deeply of your own Stewardship Way of Life. Every single one of us must give of our time, talent and treasure to fulfill the mission entrusted to our parish. This cannot be an option for us. All three are necessary!
Please take a moment and ask yourself three questions:
Are you – and your children – going to Mass each Sunday?
Are you finding ways to share your time in service and prayer?
Are you generously giving your tithe to the Church to support its mission?
Please support your parish as your parish supports you. Give of your time, talent and treasure. This is the only way we can keep this great gift of a Stewardship-provided parish going.
In Christ,
Rev. C. Jarrod Lies, Pastor