Rebuild My Church Campaign

After years of hard work, careful planning and plenty of prayer, we are pleased to announce that St. Francis of Assisi is moving forward with an extraordinary stewardship effort to fund the many repairs, renovations, and updates tested in the recent planning study conducted by the Steier Group. The decision to proceed with a campaign was a collective choice made by our council leaders and Fr. Jarrod. Ultimately though, the decision was made by our church family. During our recent planning study, the vast majority of respondents were in favor of a campaign and indicated they would financially support the effort.

If you would like to make a pledge online, please click the button below.

Make a Pledge

Frequently Asked Questions

The launch of the Rebuild My Church effort has brought to light some common questions. Click here to see a few worth addressing.

Campaign Video

Learn more about the Rebuild My Church Campaign by watching our campaign video.

Town Hall Meeting Video

Learn more about the proposed projects that Rebuild My Church will fund by watching our video of the Town Hall meeting from May 5, 2021.

Case Statement Booklet

Every parish family was mailed a copy of our case statement booklet that outlines the needs for the projects Rebuild My Church supports. To view this booklet online, click here.

Forms & Documents