God has called us, as stewards, to tithe generously, proportionately, and sacrificially 10% of our income. Consider this: your tithe guarantees the primacy of heavenly, faith-based goals over and above earthly, terrestrial desires. As you prayerfully consider your tithe, how close are you to God’s 10% goal? All parishioners must find it an honor and a privilege to support our parish’s mission with their sacrificial tithe.
At present, our income is not keeping up with our budget. If this trend continues, we will soon be falling behind on our ordinary expenses. This would cause us to dip into savings to pay for day-to-day operations. While we can speculate on various causes for this lag, it is more important to be clear about our need: It is necessary for us to honor our pledge commitments or to increase our tithe to pay for the parish’s ordinary operating costs.
If you are not yet giving 10%, what can you do to increase your tithe?
The operations council will continue to discern more methods to encourage tithe and exercise oversight of current and future ordinary expenditures. To be clear: No monies from the Rebuild My Church campaign will be used for ordinary expenses. Those funds are solely used for building projects identified by the Faith Forward Vision.
Your awareness of and response to this need is urgent as we are still in the first quarter of the financial year.
Father Jarrod Lies, Pastor