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Registration for 2024-2025 PSR (Parish School of Religion) is now open! Click HERE for details!

Faith Formation

Father's Focus

Part 14: An Ideal Parish Shares

"Mine! Mine! Mine!" How often did we yell that when we were children? Perhaps it was "my" toy, or "my" room, or "my" cloths, or "my" iPod (…or CD… or cassette… or 8-track - depending on your age, ha!). And I wish I could say that it is only young people who are so concerned with "mine!" As adults we argue over "my" stapler, "my" property, "my" office, or "my" duty. Sometimes the little kid in each of us comes out when something of "mine" is threatened. And this only means that we need to learn to share.

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Part 13: An Ideal Parish Fosters Vocations

“Come out, Come out, from wherever you are!” I remember yelling that as a kid playing hide-and-seek. What a fun game that was! Whether you were “it,” or you were the one hiding, I think hide-and-seek was an early exercise of mental espionage. I mean, the game itself is a mental exercise of out-guessing one’s opponent: “He thinks I’ll hide here… so I’m going to hide over there;” or “He usually hides in this place… so I’m going to look in a new place.”

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Part 12: An Ideal Parish is Ministerial

There are very few things that are as nice as good service. Like waiters or waitresses that provide the perfect balance of conversation and attention, neither too wordy nor too distant. Or a department store attendant who recognizes your confused look and gently offers help, takes you to the right spot, and makes sure your questions are answered. Or like a computer technician who recognizes the frustration in your voice, asks truly pertinent questions, and leads you through troubleshooting until your problem is resolved.

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Part 11: An Ideal Parish is Youth Filled

I remember hearing about Ponce de Leon searching for the fountain of youth: a magical water source capable of reversing the aging process. Alas, never did he find it, nor does it seem that such a fountain exists. Yet now-a-days it seems that people search for their own fountain of youth through beauty products, weight loss programs, or even medical procedures

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Hour of Mercy

Nearly one hundred years ago, the Church was blessed with the devotion to the Divine Mercy, first promoted by St. Faustina Kowalska. Flowing from the Divine Mercy came the new devotional, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, which, prayed on rosary beads, begs for Jesus’ sorrowful passion to pour mercy onto those for whom it is prayed.

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Part 10: An Ideal Parish is Familial

Can you guess where these lyrics come from: Sometimes you want to go / Where everybody knows your name, / and they're always glad you came. / You wanna be where you can see, / our troubles are all the same / You wanna be where everybody knows / Your name.

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Part 9: An Ideal Parish is Catechetical

I love it when children discover echo spots. Maybe it's in the foyer of a church or in a huge cavern but when toddlers discover an echo it brings them to a stop. Their hands go out. Their eyes start casting back and forth. They concentrate on their hearing by tilting their head slightly upward. Then they squeeze out a little bleat or they began saying, "Hey!" All the while hearing echo follow upon echo.

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Part 8: An Ideal Parish is Sacramental

I have been told that an earthquake in Minnesota caused some hot springs in Arkansas to stop being hot springs. Imagine that! That there is such a labyrinth of underground streams that an earthquake hundreds of miles to the North can stop water flowing hundreds of miles to the South!

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Part 7: An Ideal Parish is Charismatic (Charism-filled)

I think that I am a bit of a pyromaniac; I like campfires. I’m the kind of person that, when I’m setting by a fire, I can’t just let the flames burn low. I like getting up, rolling the logs, adding new fuel, repositioning the embers, and getting a better oxygen flow. Frankly, it makes people around the fire a little uneasy because sparks tend to fly everywhere.

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Morality Matters

Hospitality and Our Borders: A Reflection on the Border Crisis

Recently my family and I were blessed to go on a pilgrimage to Mexico City to see Our Lady of Guadalupe. One of the highlights of our time there was being able to spend some time with an organization called "Hope for the Poor", whose ministry centers around helping the homeless by giving them food and shelter as well as avenues to healing, intervention, and Catholic teaching. In our brief time there, we were able to enter a bit of their world.

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The Catholic Church's Position on Immigration Reform

With the presidential election cycle already in progress with the airing of the first Presidential Debate, Catholic American's must bring to mind their Catholic morality as it applies to some of the most pressing issues of our time. In doing so, one will be equipped to make a knowledgeable decision in the ballot booth. Please consider these excerpts from a USCCB article on immigration reform.

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Plant A Seed of Kindness - An Instructional Response to the "Pride" Community

At the closing of "Pride Month," let us take a moment to consider a few things. First, always defy the stereotype that people think you are. To modern American culture, anything less than the total enthusiastic celebration of all things "pride" suggests one is filled with hatred and bigotry. So, in response, never, ever act like the stereotype they think you are. We can improve so much of life through one simple rule: be kind.

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Understanding Spiritual Joy Through the Example of St. John the Baptist

In June, we celebrate the birth of St. John the Baptist who is patron saint of JOY! It’s often a battle to hold on to joy amidst the trials and crosses of life in our world today. True joy, however, is not a fleeting feeling or emotion, but a spiritual fruit of the Holy Spirit that arises out of God’s grace and being mindful of and working against the things that rob us of that joy. Be on the lookout for the 7 thieves of joy, or the seven deadly sins.

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Courage and Encourage: A Catholic Apostolate for LGBTQ Support

As we continue the month of June and the culture at large supports and affirms the LGBTQ community through the celebration of “Pride month,” it is essential to remember the Catholic position on homosexuality.

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Know it's Not Done

On August 14, 1999 if, someone would have asked me, "Do you know Maria (my wife)?" I would have said, "YES! Of course. I know her favorite song, band, favorite color, her family, and where she went to school. I know her. I am about to profess my love to her in front of God, family, and friends." However, after five years of marriage, I could confidently say I knew Maria more.

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The Church Teaching on Homosexuality and Sexual Identity

June signals the beginning of "Pride" month in secular society, a time dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ community and the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan, a demonstration considered a "tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement."

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Pornagraphy and Human Objectification

What happens when we lose sight of how we were created? What happens when we see God's commands as arbitrary or pick and choose which to follow without understanding the "why"? He longs to protect us. He sees the grave consequences when many times we don't. In the case of pornography, it can lead to devastating ripples that greatly affect others.

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Protecting Our Children from Sexual Perversion

In today's digital age, children are exposed to various influences much earlier than previous generations. Among these are sexual perversion and inappropriate content media, which can have lasting impacts on their understanding of relationships and sex. As parents and guardians, it is crucial to guide our children properly and supervise against their exposure to such content, ensuring a healthy development.

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